11th April 2022 - Source: Amanda Chell

Hi Amanda, I just have a couple of questions for you – how does the Wardles system work for  creams and ointments?

Do we get a payment similar to the dressings? Does clawback get deducted? or does it work differently? I want us to start using it.

Hi Amanda, Wardles system for creams and ointments work the same as for your dressings, you pay nothing but just get a royalty payment back in- no clawback, no dispensing fee, just a payment which is probably the £3.30. Wardles don’t supply all creams and ointments, just the ones which fall into part 9 of the Drug Tariff such as Cavilon.

We are requesting instillagel for a patient from our mainline wholesaler, getting 6 at a time.  Do we carry on from our mainline wholesaler or should we be getting it  from our Dispensing Appliance Contractor?

Instillagel is a part 8a product, so companies such as Wardles/NWOS will not stock it- basically it’s a drug and not a device.

Hi Amanda, please can I ask a quick question? We are a Hybrid surgery (so we have a dispensary and pharmacy on site) we are suffering many Wrong Group Movement through the Pharmacy. I am thinking this might be down to Personally Administered Items – what are your thoughts?

Hi there, Pharmacy don’t have the facility to PA anything. So, if a Personally item is submitted through Pharmacy, the patient needs to be either age exempt or financially exempt. If neither of these apply, then a prescription levy is due. If no prescription levy is taken, then the item would result as a Wrong Group Movement.